6 Signs Your Kitty Doesn’t Feel Good

 In Pet Care

You cherish your kitty, but lately, she doesn’t seem to be acting normal. She could be sick, but you may not see it because her symptoms aren’t as noticeable as a dog’s. Making an appointment for her with your vet is a good idea to rule out serious issues; in the meantime, check out these six signs of illness.

Changes in Behavior

Is your fur baby, who usually follows you everywhere, clamoring for attention, now hiding all the time? Believe it or not, this behavioral change is a symptom of pain or sickness. But be careful; if your kitty’s in pain—and you accidentally touch her sore spot—she might lash out at you. Furthermore, if your ordinarily lazy tabby suddenly begins to dart around the house, this could be caused by an overactive thyroid.

You might be surprised to learn that if she’s normally vocal and suddenly goes quiet or vice versa, it could also indicate trouble.

Different Drinking or Eating Habits

It’s interesting to note that cats don’t need to drink much water, thanks to the efficiency of their kidneys. But what if she’s drinking a lot of water? This could signify kidney disease, diabetes, or other problems. Yet, if the litter box is almost bare, your pal may be in trouble with an infection or something more significant.

Similarly, a decreased appetite is an obvious hazard and may just be due to dental problems. However, did you know that some cats could be in a life-threatening condition in just two days? But if she’s craving more food than her usual amount, this should be something to mention to your veterinarian.

Likewise, be aware if your fur baby loses weight suddenly, as this could be a sign of thyroid disease or something else.

Smelly Breath

Different odors coming from your princess’s mouth mean other things. Ammonia-smelling breath could be kidney disease; fruity or sweet odor might be diabetes. However, if it’s just bad breath, it’s a sign of decaying teeth and gum disease, which can be prevented by brushing her teeth once a week.

Modified Grooming

No matter your furry friend’s age, it’s abnormal for her coat to be greasy and dingy; although, if she’s a senior, she might not be able to groom as well as she once did as a spry, young cat due to arthritis. A dirty coat will eventually cause skin problems, and being ungroomed might be due to allergies, hyperthyroidism, or other issues. But maybe she’s got bald patches in her fur; in that case, she’s over-grooming. Stress, skin problems, or pain may trigger this. Cats will attempt to get relief by licking themselves raw in the spot that hurts—like her stomach for a painful UTI.

Altered Bathroom Habits

Has your kitty begun to poop or urinate outside her litter box? If so, you should speak with your veterinarian to ensure a urinary or bladder issue does not cause it; if your kitty is medically fine, it’s a behavioral problem that your veterinarian will also help with. Also, pay attention to the color, volume, frequency, and smell of her poop and pee, and mention any changes—no matter how slight—to your veterinarian.

Changes in Sleep

She could be in pain if you’ve seen your tabby sleeping in one position. For example, she may suffer from an arthritic hip if she sleeps only on one side. Furthermore, there might be a root cause if she’s prowling the house at night when she sleeps or is usually active during the day but is now sleeping most of it away.

Felines are elusive animals; little alterations in their behavior are essential. Your fur baby needs the same care and attention as a child. So observe her actions and behavior. If you think there’s something wrong with her, follow your intuition and get her an appointment with the vet as soon as possible. She’ll thank you for it—really, she will!

If you think your adored kitty is ill, please contact us today for an appointment.