3 Great Tips For Training a Puppy

 In Pet Care

Training a puppy is a fun and exciting task, but if you don’t know where to begin, the process can feel somewhat overwhelming for you. Thankfully, there are several tips and tricks that you can incorporate into your training to help make it a success for both you and your new puppy. Here are three excellent tips.

  1. Be Consistent: One of the most important things to remember when training a puppy is to be consistent with them. Use the same commands, in the same tone of voice, each time. This lets your puppy know what you want them to do each time and can eliminate a lot of confusion. Consistency is also important in the sense of repetition. You need to consistently train them each day and repeat these commands over and over again. This is the way that animals and humans alike can learn something new and is important to overall success.
  2. Reward Them: A reward is a great way to keep your new puppy’s attention and encourage them to keep trying. They will be drawn in by the reward and will want to do what needs to be done in order to receive it. You can start off by giving your puppy a reward each time that they complete the task. This really reinforces what you want them to do and gets them excited. As time goes on, you can reward less and less often because your puppy will know what to do without the reward and will simply be eager to please you.
  3. Ask for Help: Training a puppy is hard, and depending on the temperament of your puppy, you may have an even more difficult time. If you are struggling to train your puppy and don’t know what to do, it is a great idea to ask for help. There are several resources out there to help you train your dog, whether it be your veterinarian or a local dog trainer. These people know what they are doing and have had years of experience working with puppies.

To learn more about how to train your puppy, visit us at Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital.