Back to School Anxiety in Pets

 In Pet Care

The start of the school year brings excitement and anticipation for families, but it can be a challenging time for our furry companions. With the sudden absence of their human pack, pets may experience anxiety, boredom, or even destructive behaviors. To help your pet adjust to this new routine, consider the following tips:

Prepare in Advance

  • Gradual Separation: Begin leaving your pet alone for short periods to acclimate them to your absence. Gradually increase the duration as the school year approaches.
  • Establish a Routine: Maintain consistent feeding, exercise, and playtime schedules. This provides a sense of stability for your pet.
  • Create a Safe Space: Designate a quiet area with your pet’s favorite bed, toys, and a calming pheromone diffuser if needed.

Provide Mental and Physical Stimulation

  • Interactive Toys: Puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, and other interactive options can keep your pet engaged and entertained.
  • Exercise: Ensure your pet gets adequate exercise before you leave for the day. A tired pet is more likely to relax.

Consider Additional Support

  • Dog Walkers or Pet Sitters: If your pet struggles with prolonged separation, consider hiring a professional to provide companionship and exercise during the day.
  • Daycare: Some pet daycare centers offer options for part-time care.
  • Veterinary Consultation: If your pet’s anxiety is severe or if you notice concerning behaviors, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.


Remember, every pet is unique, and adjustment periods vary. Be patient and consistent in your approach. By following these tips and providing your pet with love and attention, you can help them cope with the absence of their human companions and ensure a smoother transition back to school for everyone.

If you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior, don’t hesitate to contact our veterinary clinic. Be patient, consistent, and loving.  We’re here to help you and your furry friend through this transition.