Kinds of Flea Treatment for Dogs and What To Do

 In Pet Care

What Kind of Flea Treatment is There for Dogs?

Flea Treatment and prevention is important for dogs. Fleas are generally a nuisance to dogs as they are tiny blood-sucking little creatures that like to burrow in the dog’s fur while they reproduce. Some dogs might be allergic to a flea bite, which can cause excessive itching by the dog that can turn the bites into dark, red, flaky scabs that can ultimately result in hair loss.

What Symptoms Should I Look For to Determine If My Dog Has Fleas?

The following might be some of the symptoms that you notice in your dog when they have fleas, including the following:

  • tiny white spots on your dog’s fur
  • itchy little bites that can turn into flaky scabs with consistent itching
  • spots of hair loss
  • excessive itching by the dog

These symptoms can indicate that your dog has fleas and needs treatment to help kill the fleas. Treatments also help to ensure that the dog is relieved from its discomfort or pain because of the consistent itching and irritation to the skin. Completing the entire treatment plan is important to ensure that the fleas are gone, and your dog finds complete relief.

What Flea Treatment Can Help My Dog If They Get Fleas?

Here at the Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital, we provide a complete array of treatments available for dogs who happen to get fleas. We provide a variety of different sorts of flea treatment, including:

These are just ways to treat your dogs to help kill fleas if they were to catch them.

If your dog still catches fleas, you will likely need additional medication provided by your vet to help kill the fleas. Then you will need to use flea shampoo or other treatments to get rid of the fleas. After that, you will need to use a flea comb to brush through your pet’s hair to ensure that all dead fleas are out of their fur after the medication kills the fleas.


Preventative treatments are the key to keeping your dog flea-free. Regularly checking your dog’s fur to ensure no small white or brown spots can help ensure that it makes your dog remain flea-free. If you notice your dog is experiencing bald spots or itchiness that you think might be fleas, please feel free to contact us for further assistance with your dog. We are always here to help.