Microchipping: A Simple Way To Save A Life

 In Animal Microchipping

Our pets hold a special place in our hearts, often considered integral members of our families. Unfortunately, statistics reveal that one in three pets will experience being lost during their lifetime, amounting to an estimated ten million pets lost each year. While these numbers may seem alarming, there’s a simple, effective, and safe solution to significantly enhance the chances of reuniting with a lost pet – microchipping.

The Procedure: Microchips are implanted using a needle similar to those used in routine vaccinations, albeit slightly larger. This straightforward procedure is typically conducted during a routine vet visit or alongside another surgery, such as a neuter or spay. Importantly, the process is not excessively painful for your pet and does not require anesthesia or medication. Contrary to some concerns, microchipping does not harm pets, with complications being infrequent. Many pets hardly flinch during the process, and the pain is comparable to getting blood drawn.

Benefits of the Device: While the concept of microchipping is widespread, understanding what a microchip entails is crucial. The microchip itself is minuscule, akin to a grain of rice, and is placed under the pet’s skin, protected by a casing. Shelters globally employ handheld scanners to read the microchip, which contains a coded identification number linked to your pet. When scanned, this number is cross-referenced with a registry to contact you promptly.

Ensuring Safe Return Home: Without this vital identification, 90 percent of lost animals may not find their way back home. Microchipping transforms this scenario. Animal shelters often prioritize scanning for microchips when rescuing lost pets. The national registry is easily accessible, showcasing that microchipped pets have significantly higher chances of safely reuniting with their owners and families. Microchipped dogs are 2.5 times more likely, while cats are an astonishing 20 times more likely to return home safely.

Complementing Other Identification Methods: While collars offer quick identification, they can fall off or be removed if a pet is stolen. Similarly, identification tattoos may fade over time, rendering them ineffective if outdated. Microchips provide a reliable, permanent solution, ensuring continual and secure identification. It’s recommended to use collars, microchips, and other identification methods in conjunction for comprehensive coverage.

The American Veterinary Medical Association wholeheartedly supports microchipping, and so do we at Andes-Straley. For further information and to explore the microchipping process, don’t hesitate to contact us. A simple call can potentially save your pet’s life!