Terrarium Plants for Your Exotic Pet

 In Exotic Pet

Pet store decor can be overwhelming, but there’s a simple way to transform your exotic pet’s habitat: terrarium plants! These aren’t just decorations – they create a natural environment, reducing stress and improving air quality.

Reptiles & Amphibians:

  • Ficus: A versatile genus with numerous varieties, ficus offers stunning large leaves. These provide excellent hiding spots for reptiles, with chameleons particularly drawn to their leafy havens. Choose a smaller ficus variety suitable for your tank size.
  • Pothos Plant: A favorite among both reptile and amphibian owners, pothos is renowned for its ease of care. Its trailing vines make it ideal for climbing, adding a touch of vertical greenery to your terrarium.
  • Snake Plants: Upright and architectural, snake plants offer a touch of modern elegance. They’re tolerant of a wide range of light conditions and require minimal watering, making them perfect for busy pet owners.
  • Bromeliads: These air plants come in a vibrant array of colors, adding a touch of the tropics to your terrarium. They require minimal soil and thrive in humid environments, ideal for many amphibians.


  • Amazon Sword: With its broad, sword-shaped leaves, the Amazon Sword offers both beauty and functionality. While some fish may nibble on the softer leaves, this plant is relatively resilient. For optimal growth, ensure you have at least a 10-gallon tank and provide iron-rich fertilizer.
  • Java Fern: A hardier option for fish tanks, the Java Fern deters nibbling with its sturdier foliage. This translates to longer-lasting plants that add visual interest and hiding spots for your fish.
  • Anacharis: A fast-growing plant, Anacharis is excellent for absorbing excess nutrients from the water, helping to maintain a healthy environment for your fish.
  • Hornwort: Another fast-growing plant, Hornwort provides excellent filtration and serves as a spawning ground for some fish species. Its feathery texture adds a whimsical touch to your tank.


  • Stress reduction from a natural environment.
  • Improved air quality through filtration and humidity increase.
  • Climbing opportunities with vines and climbing plants for arboreal pets.
  • Hiding spots for added security.
  • Basking sites with plants creating shade or sunlight pockets.

Choosing Plants: Consider your pet’s needs and the desired environment. Research lighting, temperature, and humidity for optimal plant and pet health. Terrariums are mini-ecosystems – the right plants, substrate, and lighting work together to create a thriving habitat.

Want to learn more? Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital offers a variety of services for exotic pets. Visit us online to discover how we can help you create a perfect terrarium paradise for your unique friend!