
Lana Blythe

Lana lives in the foothills of Kingsport, TN. She originally came from Dallas, TX and moved to good ole TN at the age of 5. She is a mom of a daughter who has blessed her with two grandchildren, [...]


Chelsea Huskins

Chelsea has been in veterinary medicine since 2006. In that time frame she moved up to management within the clinic she works at full time. She started working with us on her days off in 2020. As [...]


Emily Sanders

Emily has lived in Kingsport her entire life and has always loved animals. She is currently a Sophomore at Lincoln Memorial University and is pursing a degree in Veterinary Health Science. She [...]


Alexis Keller

Alexis began working at Andes-Straley in the summer of 2018. She graduated from Northeast State Community College in 2018 with a degree in Agriculture and Animal Science. She is currently a [...]


Travis Miller

Travis started working with animals in a veterinary setting at 12 years old. He moved to east TN 13 years ago. Travis lives with his wife , 2 dogs and cat in Kingsport, TN. He enjoys video games, [...]

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