Microchipping Your Pet: Why Consider It

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Microchipping Your Pet

Millions of pets are lost in America every single year, and most of them are never returned to their owners. Microchipping your pet is one way to increase the chances of finding your lost fur baby, and it’s a fairly easy process to have done by a veterinarian.

What Does it Mean to Microchip Your Pet?

Microchipping your pet is a simple process performed by a veterinarian in while a small microchip is inserted between your pet’s shoulder blades. It has a unique number on it that can be read by a scanner, and it makes locating your pet much easier if it were to get lost.

Microchipping your pet doesn’t hurt it either; it only feels like a little pinch and some animals don’t even flinch, according to veterinarian Sandy Eckstein. Getting this done during another procedure is usually best too, such as when your pet is getting spayed/neutered. A lot of veterinarians will actually give you the option to do so when you’re filling out the paperwork for the initial surgery.

Why Should You Microchip Your Pet?

Although some may wonder if it’s worth the money to get your pet microchipped, which is normally around $50 depending on your pet’s veterinarian, there are several good reasons to have it done, and Nicole Cosgrove has provided a great list on Petkeen.

  • It’s easier to locate your lost pet. The microchip stores information on it that makes it easier for someone to contact you if your pet’s microchip has been scanned.
  • They can last up to 25 years, so you’ll typically only have to get your pet microchipped once in their lifetime.
  • A microchip can’t get lost. Even if your pet has lost its tags, it cannot lose a microchip, so authorities will still be able to contact you if your pet has been located.
  • It can prove ownership of your pet if its been stolen.
  • The microchip database is national, so if your pet has crossed state lines it can still be returned to you.

If you’re considering microchipping your pet, or have any more questions about the procedure, contact Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital. They’ll be sure to take care of you and your precious ball of fur.