We treat our furballs like family, and because of this, their health takes top priority. One way to keep your pet in good shape is to maintain a healthy weight. Even a few extra pounds can cause [...]
It’s that time again. You’re about to go on vacation. You know it might be a while until you get back, and the last thing you want is for your pet to stay alone all day with no one [...]
The secret to successful pet photography is making sure your animal is comfortable in their environment. If they are not happy with the space, it’s hard to get a good picture because [...]
Having pets can be a very rewarding experience for a child’s mental and social development, and having someone to play with can be great for your pet as well. However, without the proper [...]
Caring for a pet can be costly. At Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital, we believe that pet insurance is extremely beneficial to the pet and for the owner. Pet insurance covers a large portion [...]
It is always difficult to think about having to leave your beloved pet at home while you are away. Having to worry about who will come in and out of your house at just the right times each day [...]
The Importance of Pet Weight Loss While chubby and fat animals may be cute to keep as pets, and they most definitely get lots of likes on Instagram, it is important to think about the health and [...]
The internet is full of people who found an injured animal, and decided to keep it as a pet. Sometimes they tried to release the animal, but it chose to stick around, and sometimes people grow [...]
What Kind of Flea Treatment is There for Dogs? Flea Treatment and prevention is important for dogs. Fleas are generally a nuisance to dogs as they are tiny blood-sucking little creatures that [...]
Ask a Reptile Vet: How (and Why) to Gut-Load Crickets Dr. Gary Andes is a reptile vet in the Kingsport area who also treats birds, rare fish and exotics. From parakeets to pythons, the team [...]