Having pets can be a very rewarding experience for a child’s mental and social development, and having someone to play with can be great for your pet as well. However, without the proper [...]
Caring for a pet can be costly. At Andes-Straley Veterinary Hospital, we believe that pet insurance is extremely beneficial to the pet and for the owner. Pet insurance covers a large portion [...]
The Importance of Pet Weight Loss While chubby and fat animals may be cute to keep as pets, and they most definitely get lots of likes on Instagram, it is important to think about the health and [...]
What Kind of Flea Treatment is There for Dogs? Flea Treatment and prevention is important for dogs. Fleas are generally a nuisance to dogs as they are tiny blood-sucking little creatures that [...]
Heat exhaustion in pets is fatal and it only takes 15 minutes for a dog to die from it. Since pets are limited to few sweat glands located in their paws and around their nose, they cannot cool [...]
Animals can quickly become our children, siblings, or even best friends. They can also give us support when we need it the most. A growing trend amongst pet lovers is choosing a furry companion [...]
Understanding Your Resources Regarding flea and tick care for your pet, it is important to understand the options available. While you can always present your questions about preventative care to [...]
Training a puppy is a fun and exciting task, but if you don’t know where to begin, the process can feel somewhat overwhelming for you. Thankfully, there are several tips and tricks that you [...]
As most pet owners know, interacting with a pet is one of the greatest joys in life. The love we have for our pets and the love they have for us create a relationship like no other. But did you [...]
Have you happened upon a baby bird on the ground while walking through your neighborhood? Do you know what to do to get it the help it needs? The prospect of raising a young bird on your own [...]